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                                                                  [Introduction Music 27 seconds]
                                        WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING PRESENTATION PART ONE
                                                        MARK PASSIO
                                                      NEW HAVEN, CT                                                             
My presentation is entitled "What On Earth Is Happening", and there is no question mark at the end of that because this is my attempt to explain just that... what on earth is happening on our planet. Recognizing the fact that researchers often stand on the shoulders of giants. Men who have come before them. Men and women who have done incredible research and put that out into the world. I dedicate my presentation respectfully to the four individuals who are, what I call, the four horsemen of my personal apocalypse. These are the four men that were responsible for helping me in awakening myself in understanding this information and that is David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and perhaps more than any other individual who has inspired me, the late, great Terrance Mckenna. This presentation is respectfully dedicated to these men.
Truth and lies. Questions

Latest revision as of 23:03, 12 June 2020

                                        WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING PRESENTATION PART ONE
                                                       MARK PASSIO
                                                      NEW HAVEN, CT                                                              


My presentation is entitled "What On Earth Is Happening", and there is no question mark at the end of that because this is my attempt to explain just that... what on earth is happening on our planet. Recognizing the fact that researchers often stand on the shoulders of giants. Men who have come before them. Men and women who have done incredible research and put that out into the world. I dedicate my presentation respectfully to the four individuals who are, what I call, the four horsemen of my personal apocalypse. These are the four men that were responsible for helping me in awakening myself in understanding this information and that is David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and perhaps more than any other individual who has inspired me, the late, great Terrance Mckenna. This presentation is respectfully dedicated to these men.


Truth and lies. Questions and answers. Everything I'm going to be talking about here today ultimately boils down to one thing... what is the truth about what is taking place here, and that's a big word, that's a big topic to get into. Who am I to discuss what the truth is? Who is anyone to discuss what the truth is? Is there a truth? Well, one of the main concepts in my presentation going forward that I put out there is that there is in fact a truth, and it is that which is the truth is simply that which is. It is our perceptions of truth that waver from individual to individual. Some resonate with it, some do not. Some come into accordance with truth and some waver radically away from it, but the truth is, it's unwavering, it's unalterable. It's simply the pure state of being is that which is and it exists. It is knowable. We can come to know what truth is. That is the spiritual journey. That is what this entire presentation is ultimately about...getting to the truth.

Philosophers have often made comments about truth. Poet and author William Blake said "Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed". In other words, if you can speak the truth in a way that it is easily understandable to people, they will recognize it as such. Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said "Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first stage it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, and in the third it is regarded as self-evident." George Bataille said "The truth is paradoxical to the extent of being exactly contrary to the usual perception." Very true statement there. Most people see things often exactly the opposite of how they really are, and they stay attached to that belief because it is more comfortable for them. Truth can often be seen as paradoxical because it is exactly the opposite in many cases to the usual perception of most people. George Orwell said "During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." and indeed what you're witnessing is an act of revolution in the times that we live in. The questions for the entire presentation are as follows, what we really are attempting to answer...


Ultimately I believe that most people's goal in life, if they are a truly self examined individual, is they want to improve themselves and they want to improve the world, leave this world a better place than they found it. These are the greatest questions that humanity has ever asked of itself, and these questions have answers. These questions are answerable. The answers are out there. The answers are discoverable. It is up to us to discover the answers to these questions/ The enemy of all truth if you are on a quest for the truth, are blockages, there are roadblocks involved. Lies and deception come up all the time when one is going off in search of the truth. We want to understand how that dynamic works in this process. If there is anybody who knew a lot about lying and evil, it was this man... Adolf Hitler, who made this comment about a lie, “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, eventually they will believe it.” A technique for propaganda. If anyone knew more about lying than even Hitler was this man, the Nazi minister of propaganda during the Third Reich Paul Joseph Goebbels. He said “The bigger the lie the more it will be believed.” Contrary to what you would think you make the lie even bigger, even more extravagant, even more encompassing, and more people will actually believe that. Which brings me to the concept of the biggest lie. The biggest lie that can ever be sold, that we can ever personally buy is simply the lie that there is no truth, or even if there is, it is undiscoverable so why bother to even go out and search for it. This ties in with the philosophy of moral relativism, and it is a dangerous and slippery slope when you go down that path because if there is no truth, then there is no right or wrong either. There is a truth. It is knowable by us. It is our job to find out what the truth is. If you buy the biggest lie that there is no truth out there to discover, that it is all just perception, then you are headed down a path in which there is no right or wrong either, and it is up to anybody to decide what they think is appropriate given a particular situation. They are not really making a decision that is born in true conscience. It is just ‘what is right for me I'm going to do regardless of the consequences because I don't believe that there is actual truth to live in harmony with’. That is the most dangerous lie of all to buy. Unfortunately most people in the world have bought this lie, that there is no truth, and therefore the spiritual journey for them never really begins because they are never really striving for something beyond themselves. It is a very important thing to overcome and to get past before you go deeper into this journey. You have to believe the truth indeed does exist, otherwise you are not really actively searching for it.

In our search for truth, where do we go for answers? What sources do we have to go to? Most people go to, what I call the big four, and they are politics, religion, science, and the New Age movement. Each one of these is an ideological system. It is an institutionalized system of thought and each one of them differs in various ways, but most people will go to one of these four institutionalized systems in their search for truth. What I am going to talk about in my presentation here today will touch upon all of these institutionalized systems, however, it cannot fit in nicely into any of these boxes because that is what they are, boxes for consciousness. They are paradigms. They are acceptable ways of looking at the world outside of which is discouraged to look outside. If you are looking into any one of these given systems of thought specifically, you are not going to find the whole truth encompassed within any one of these systems of thought because that is what they are, they are systems, they are boxes, they are confines, and the truth is too big to be put in a box. It exists outside of any boxes, outside of any limitations. We have to expand our perceptions to look beyond all of the current social and political and religious paradigms and scientific paradigms in the world if we are really going to endeavour to find truth. The truth is outside of all of these, we cannot limit ourselves to any one specific institutionalized false system if we're truly serious in our search for the truth.

PART ONE I am going to start with the solution. This presentation is in three sections. Part One is the solution. Part Two we examine the problem, and then Part Three we talk about how to actually apply the solution to get the desired outcome. I will begin with Part One: The Solution. The solution for the problems that humanity currently faces is indeed a raising of consciousness. Consciousness must be raised on a global scale, but to do that, the way that is done is by raising it on an individual scale within each individual. Consciousness must be raised, and as each individual consciousness is raised, global consciousness is raised. Talking about consciousness and why this is the solution to all the problems that humanity faces, most people do not really understand what consciousness is. They think of it as simply being physically awake. Yes we have physical awake consciousness because we're awake or alert but consciousness is much more than just a state of being physically awake.

We need a definition for consciousness as we go forward in the presentation and I want to encapsulate how I feel about consciousness. This is a quote that is inscribed upon the Oracle at Delphi in Greece: “Heed these words you who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods.”

This is one of my favorite quotes because it tells the whole story, essentially. We need to know ourselves. All knowledge of value ultimately is self-knowledge and this is what we lack globally. We lack this as an entire species and this is why we are in so much trouble today, this is why we are in the dark situation that we're in because we lack self-knowledge. We need to understand ourselves, and our motivations, and our desires, and what makes us tick, if we are really going to have any kind of happiness, success, or peace in our lives, and the ancients understood this, and they encapsulated it perfectly in a statement like that, and in the buildings, and in the architecture that they put together. Perhaps they were more connected with consciousness and with their own self-knowledge than we are today.

An encyclopedia or a dictionary defines: ‘Consciousness is the characteristics of a being generally regarded to comprise qualities such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sapience, statements, and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment’. That is an excellent definition of what consciousness is in my estimation, but is a bit complex. There are a lot of words there and instead of going into each word and breaking it down, and defining it separately, we can take that as a pretty good definition of what consciousness is, but for the purposes of this presentation, I would like to just simplify it and take it down to a simpler level. With that in mind, this is the definition of consciousness that I am going to use: ‘Consciousness is simply the ability of a being to recognize patterns and meaning with respect to events taking place, both within oneself and in the realm in which the self exists and operates’. In other words, consciousness is the ability to understand information and events that are taking place, the implications of them and internal events and information, as well as external worldly events and information. It is the ability to recognize patterns within information. That is my definition of consciousness.

The ancients had different symbols that they used for consciousness and energy. One is called the Dao, or Tao. Some may know it as the Yin and the Yang, and this represented the All, Everything, because everything is conscious, everything is consciousness ultimately.It is all energy, and there are different mixtures of different types of energies, and the Daoist philosophy codified this in this symbol the Dao, the Yin-Yang, by a mixture of two basic polar energies, one being light, one being dark. One being male, one being female. They call these the Yin and Yang. Yang is solar. It has to do with light. The Sun. It is masculine in its qualities. It is active. It is analytical, and it is a dominant energy. It is more left brain. We are going to talk about the structure of the brain later on. And it can be aggressive. It is dominant. It is active. It is a male thrusting principle.

The darker energy Yin is associated with the moon, which is up at night when it's dark. It is a feminine or passive energy. It relates more with intuition than with analytical thought or logic. It is more submissive than dominant. It's more right brained, and it deals with concepts of compassion and nurturing. The ancients looked at this saying these are the qualities that are in all of us, not just men and women, it is not just male or female, this masculine and feminine energy is indwelling in us whether we are male or female, and we have to strike a blend, a perfect blend, or an equilibrium of these two types of energies, male and female, Yin and Yang. What we are going to talk about later is how one of these energies is really seemingly dominating the other more in the modern world.

Another mode, or another symbol that the ancients used to explain what consciousness was, is the Triangle, because they recognize that consciousness was a three-fold aspect within an individual. Basically, an individual expresses their consciousness in three basic ways, and all other ways that they express themselves are options or variants of these three basic modalities of consciousness. In the ancient world this was known as the law of three, or the the triune aspect of the individual, and here's what they are: our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions. See, our thoughts are the creator of our experience. Everything that exists has to first exist as a thought to come into manifestation. Our thoughts can be seen as the Creator God, the creator of our experience. I have labeled it the Father of the Trinity, of thoughts, emotion, and action, and thoughts arise from what we call ‘mind’.

The second part is our emotions. This is the Yin aspect of consciousness. The thoughts are the holistic quality, it is the essence. Emotions are the Yin aspect, this is the feminine aspect of consciousness. This is the spirit in which we do things, our emotions. This is the Sacred Feminine, or the mother of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, if you will. This is the internalised expression of our consciousness, how we feel.

Then there is the male aspect, what we do. We have a thought, we feel a certain way about it, and then we take action in the world in relation to our thoughts and emotions. Our actions are the third aspect of our business and we perform actions with the body, and since it is a male principle, this is the Yang energy, it is considered the offspring of our thoughts and our emotions. It is the child of the father and the mother and it is a male principle, it is a male child, the Son. This could be seen as the divine child of the Trinity. Thoughts being the Creator God, the emotions being the Sacred Feminine Mother, and then our actions being the male offspring of those two, the divine male child, the Son. The next part of the presentation is going to deal with how consciousness manifests itself through our physiology, and the structure of the human brain. It is extremely important to understand the structure of the brain and how the different complexes within the brain function if we are going to understand what is really going on within us. A schematic diagram of the human brain shows that the brain is basically broken down into three sub complexes. We have, in effect, three small brains working in unison as one whole brain complex. One is the R-Complex, or the “Reptile Brain”. It is basically the brain stem and the cerebellum, the dark part right behind the brainstem. This part of the brain governs our survival instincts. It has to do with our motor skills. It has to do with all things that we interact with in the physical world; movement, basic survival techniques, the necessity for food, to take food and nutrients into the body, shelter, clothing, warmth, etc. The Reptile brain is geared toward the physical world and it is focused upon survival. That is what helps us to focus on the physical things that we need to do to survive on a day-to-day basis, the R-complex, or the Reptile brain.

The second sub-complex of the brain is the Mammalian brain, or the limbic brain, also called the midbrain. This is the part of the brain that basically governs our emotions. It makes our emotions capable of being expressed through our body. In other words it pumps all of the chemicals the neuropeptides into the body from this part of the brain that makes us feel the consequences of what we do in the world. It can be seen as the intuitive part of the brain since it generates our emotions. It comprises the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the pineal, and pituitary glands. There is a third part of the brain that most people when they see it they think that is the entire brain, the the gray matter of the brain, and it is simply one of the complexes of the brain, but it is by far the most complex and by far the part of the brain that give us our human qualities, and that is the Neocortex. It is called the ‘human’ brain. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for higher-order thinking within a human being. It makes higher order thinking possible. All of the things that distinguish us from the animal kingdom takes place within the neocortex, our science, music, speech, verbal and written communication, all neocortical functions.

These three parts of the brain can also be seen to be symbolic analogues of consciousness, of the Trinity of consciousness. The reptile complex of the brain is based upon control. It is the part of the brain that makes us want to control our environment so that we survive and this can be seen as the old testament god, obsessed with law, obsessed with regimen, with control. It is the dominator aspect of the brain. A reptile is a creature of instinct without emotion, cold blooded, just focused on survival.

The Sacred Feminine part of the brain, what I correlate to the Holy Spirit, is the midbrain, the limbic system, the limbic brain, the mammal brain. It is of what generates our emotions, the spirit in which we do things. That is the feminine aspect of the brain complex. The most important part of the brain, by far, is the neocortex. This is where all of our human quality activities are really derived from. Without the neocortex we will not be able to do any of the things that make us human. This could be seen as the blood. The thing that truly separates us from the animal kingdom, and it is the Son, the Divine child. It is the product of these other two brains with a reptile complex being the Father, the limbic system being the Mother, and then they bear the divine child, the Neocortex, the light of the world so to speak, because the prefrontal neocortex was known as the third eye by the ancients.

This is the part of the brain that is responsible for our highest order thinking and it is the seat of higher consciousness in physiology. These three parts of the brain, the triune brain as it's called in the scientific world, is a symbolic analog to the aspects of consciousness, and the types of energy that we talked about when we talked about the Dao. Absolutely important to understand how these components function and what happens if they become imbalanced. We have to understand the neocortex itself is bilaterally symmetrical. It is divided down the middle. It is in two distinct parts, two distinct halves, and they are called Brain Hemispheres. There is a left hemisphere, and a right hemisphere. They govern different functions of an individual. The left brain of an individual governs things like logic, analytical thought processes, verbal communication or language, mathematics and science, anything that requires analysis and logic. It is the masculine side of the brain, hard facts, hard figures, physical worldliness, reason. The right brain functions entirely differently. It's more holistic. It governs holistic thoughts, spiritual thought. It is intuitive. It is what our intuition is derived from. It is the creative center of the individual. Artistic capability is derived from this part of the brain. All kinds of creativity, music, etc. Art comes from this part of the brain. It is the feminine aspect of the brain.

You have a male side of the brain and you have a female side of the brain. It is not that one is better than the other, it is that they need to be balanced just like the Yin and Yang energies. They need to be balanced to come to a state of wholeness, of working in unison with each other, an equilibrium, and that's a truly ordered individual, a person who really is truly awakened in consciousness, has a balanced brain. They are using both brain hemispheres in conjunction with each other. When that is done, the prefrontal neocortex that governs the highest order thinking within the individual really comes online and that's kind of the opening of the third eye, so to speak, and that only happens when these two brain hemispheres come into coherence with each other.

A little bit later I am going to talk about what happens if these brain hemispheres are radically out of balance with each other. What happens when one side really is dominating the other and there is very little activity taking place in one hemisphere of the brain but a whole lot on the other. Unpleasant things begin to occur, things that are not too good in our experience begin to happen when the brain is in significant states of imbalance. Again, the left brain is the Yang energy, the right brain is the Yin energy in relation to Daoism, or Taoism.. Another symbol which will become important as we go forward and talk about symbology, is the upward pointing triangle. In the ancient world, the upward pointing triangle seen here was known as the blade. This is a symbol representing male energy, or Yang energy. It is a rudimentary phallic symbol. It is an upward pointing triangle. It is like the tip of the spear, or it's a like I said, a rudimentary phallic symbol. These are thrusting elements, a spear, a penis, male active thrust.

The opposite of that, Yin energy, is the inverted triangle. You just take it and you use it opposite an inverted triangle. This is like the shape of a womb,the shape of the lower portion of the female anatomy that bears children. It is like a chalice that holds wine or blood, the Holy Grail is a concept of this inverted triangle that was known as the chalice in the ancient world. You have the blade, and that represents the Yang energy, the left brain, and then the chalice, the inverted triangle that represents the Yin energy, or the right brain. Keep those symbols in mind and how they correlate to consciousness and how they correlate to the brain as you go forward because you will be seeing them again. The next concept is polarity. Polarity is how seemingly opposite forces work in the world, and I'm going to talk about how the differences between them are really illusion, that there is only one ultimate force that is at work in the world but it kind of has split itself in two, and it works in different ways to really help us to have an experience in the physical world. Polar forces can be looked at as hot and cold, good and evil, young and old.

Let us take light and dark as an example. It's only one thing, light and dark, they're not really opposites. There is only light energy. It's either present or it's not present, in which case you have darkness. You cannot go into a completely lit room and shine darkness into a room. There is no such thing as a darkness flashlight. Darkness is simply the absence of light energy. There is only light energy. We look at light and darkness, two polar opposites, but they are not. There is really only one thing there, there's only light or its absence. That is what I want you to keep in mind. Things that we really see as opposites, as warring against each other, energies that are warring against each other are only one thing, or its absence.

Scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, does experimentations with water crystals. He exposes simple water to vibratory energies, emotions. He then takes the water molecules and photographs them under high magnification to see if their structure changes depending on proximity to certain forms of consciousness, like high levels of joy, or high level of fear or anger. A beautifully organized water molecule crystal formed when the scientists placed water in the presence of high joy and love within certain individuals. It became ordered. This brings us to the first polarity.

The first polarity is that which brings order and is the good emotion. We only have two emotional polarities. Every other feeling that you can possibly feel is an extension of one of these two basic polar emotional forces at work in the world. The first one is that which makes us feel good, that which brings order. It is the energy of love, the polarity of love. Giving an idea of what I mean by the law of polarity, the love energy, it is not these Hollywood or romance novel ideas of love, it is the expansive force of consciousness. It is individuals that have opened themselves up to what is and are in harmony with that which is, with truth, and with understanding, and knowledge, and light, and consciousness. Love is that aspect of consciousness, of the expansive aspect of consciousness. That which flowers and opens up, opens us up to that which is. That is what love really is.

The polar opposite of the energy that makes us feel good and which brings order is the energy that makes us feel bad when we experience it, and brings to our experience chaos, disorder, disarray, pain and suffering. It is interesting that the scientist Dr. Emoto took the same water that he had just previously exposed to a high vibratory energy of consciousness and love and joy, and exposed it to people totally in shutdown consciousness, fighting amongst themselves in fear and anger, and just being generally nasty to each other. The same water ended up looking like the crystalline structure completely broke down and there was just chaos in the structure of the water. It shows you that our emotions, what we think and what we do, have an effect on the physical world. The external reality is a reflection of what's inside of us. This is water that has been exposed to the negative emotional polarity and that emotional polarity is fear. Fear is the opposite polarity of love. It is the absence of love to varying degrees. This is the force, the polarity that brings disorder into our experience. It brings chaos when it arrives within us. It can never create order. Love is the polarity that brings order, fear is the polarity that brings chaos. This is the energy that shuts consciousness down. Love opens consciousness up, fear closes it down and it keeps it suppressed. These two basic emotional polarities, love and fear, are what really create everything around us depending on how much we are in harmony with each of them. They each have internal manifestation and they each have an external manifestation. Love has a manifestation that happens within us and then outward in the world, and fear is a manifestation that happens within us and then outward in the world.

When love reaches a crescendo, or a highest expression within an individual, I have a term that I call this, it is a concept that ‘As you think; so you feel internally; and so you act in the world. There's no separation within you. As you think; so you feel; so you act. I call this concept DOMINION. It means that YOU are in rulership of the only thing you are allowed to be in rulership of. You are in rulership of the kingdom of Self. As you think; so you feel; so you act. These three aspects of consciousness are in unison within you. No one can tell them apart, no one can divide them or conquer them. People cannot get you to do something that you do not feel is right. You act in a way you say, think, and feel, and then you act that way in the world. There is no contradiction within. That is the state of Dominion. Its opposite is when fear runs rampant within an individual and you have opposition within the self. The consciousness is shut down. The individual does not really understand what is taking place within themselves or around them because they are essentially unconscious, the opposite of conscious. Consciousness being the ability to recognize patterns taking place within and outside of themself. This fear that runs rampant within an individual reaches a crescendo, or a final expression within an individual, and this is the state of confusion.

Confusion is the internal polarity of fear residing within an individual. The individual goes into a state of shutdown and confusion. They do not understand themselves, and they do not understand the world. Often when they are in this state, they do not want to do any learning because they are operating in lower forms of consciousness. That is not where we can learn to get out of this mode, which becomes like a cyclical process. The individual becomes trapped in it. These two polarities, love and fear, have an external manifestation. This is extremely important to most key concepts that I am going to be discussing in the presentation.

When the polar energy of love reaches its highest vibratory state within individuals, the community around the individuals begins to express something. If something is becoming born in the external world when individuals have the love energy dwelling within them. This is the highest expression of love manifested outwardly, in the outside world that we see in our experience and that is FREEDOM.

Freedom is the highest goal of the quest for truth. It is one and the same as the quest for the divine. If spiritual teachers are not teaching that to people, I do not believe that they are doing their job, because it is all about freedom and about very little else. Freedom is what the end result is all about. It is the highest expression of love in the world around us. When love is present within an individual they are working toward true freedom. The opposite of this force, the opposite of this manifestation in the outside world is if fear rules within the individual. If the essence of fear rules, the individual goes into the state of confusion within. If the polar energy of fear is ruling their consciousness, it is shutting consciousness down, and then internally they are in that state of confusion. When someone is in a shutdown state of consciousness and confused, the way that they almost invariably act in the external world is the desire for control. Control is the polarity of fear that reaches its highest expression and is borne out into the external world. It is based on the dynamic of fear. It is based on the polar vibratory energy of fear. Not strength. Not power, but fear. A controller wants control because he is in fear. External control is an illusion. It does not exist anywhere in three dimensional manifestation. It is a complete illusion that we buy into because our consciousness is shot down through fear and confusion. This dynamic cannot ever create order in the world being based on fear. You saw what fear does to the water molecules and ultimately it creates chaos in the external world. The only way that we would be able to create order is through freedom. Impossible to do it through control because control is based in fear, and fear creates chaos. If you are going to create order in the world, the only way to ever do it is by attempting to create freedom in the world, because freedom is based on the polar energy of love. It is based on the dynamic of love and that is the force which brings order, and peace, and prosperity. Trying to create any kind of order through control is only going to get you chaos. It cannot ever create order or peace.

The next concept to understand is DIRECTION. We understand how these polar forces work, what they do within ourselves in the external world. We have to ask ourselves some basic questions about the direction of our lives... how we have lived, how we are living, and if we continue on the path that we are on, what we are likely to see in the future. We are looking for our emotional compass, the direction that we want to set ourselves in life. We can try to set this compass for direction by asking some basic questions... are we moving toward an expression of love or are we moving toward an expression of fear, both within and the outside world? Which one of those basic polar forces are we really moving toward if we are honest with ourselves?

Based on our available knowledge of ourselves and the world around us, we have to make an honest appraisal of where we are and where we are headed. We have to have an understanding of the past. Not studying the past is extremely dangerous because those who do not understand what has happened in the past are very true, they are often doomed to repeat it, and it cycles, because they do not get the lesson. An understanding of what happened in our past can help us to orient our direction for the future. We should learn from the past, from the mistakes of the past, but most importantly in analyzing and trying to come to an understanding of what sets our direction in life. We have to grasp and understand that our emotions are the most critical factor. Our emotions are our compass for direction in life. What we feel in emotions is trying to tell us either continue to do that thing or do not continue to do that thing. The emotions are the compass, that is why it is called compassion. Compass is in the word compassion; compass, passion, emotion. Our emotions are our compass for direction in life. If we numb them out, if we seek to not feel them, we are throwing our compass away and we are lost in the wilderness. Our emotions are there to be felt, not to be numbed out as many people are striving to do the modern world. They are our guide. They are our markers through the wilderness that we are in, and we need them. We need to cultivate them, and feel them, not numb them out.

WORLDVIEW is the next concept to grasp. This is what most people suffer from, a poisoned worldview. It is just what it says, it’s our view of the world, how we view ourselves in relation to the world, how we view others in relation to ourselves. Just like the polar energy forces that we talked about in polarity, there is a positive worldview and then there is a negative world view.

The positive worldview is one that sees ourselves as an individual of unique expression, of individuality, the monad of consciousness, the individual unit. But it recognizes that we are unique and we are an expression of the whole, and we are part of the whole. When a drop of water is in the whole ocean there is no separation, it is the same consciousness, the same energy, the same substance . It is made of the same thing. We need to see the world more in that holistic sense if we are going to come through these problems that we are facing that we see in the external world, because we see ourselves as fundamentally separate from everyone else. It does not mean we have to lose our uniqueness. We can still understand that we are completely unique like a beautiful snowflake and there's only one like that. It is not to throw away the idea of individuality because that is of critical importance and each individual is a unique expression of consciousness within the whole. The value of the individual is infinite and it must be respected at all times, but it is not to say that the individual should not also understand they are part of a living system. We belong to the whole system of the earth, the whole complex that is this living, breathing planet. We cannot separate ourselves from our environment, from our ecosystem. We belong to it. We are part of it and human nature. This is really what worldview really gets down to... how do we see human nature? Do we think of human nature as fundamentally flawed? Do we think of it as fundamentally evil or vile? I think this is what human nature really looks like once all the external tapestries are stripped away and all the non-essential are stripped away... human nature is fundamentally good, not fundamentally evil or flawed. That is a poisoned worldview. We are going to heal the problems within ourselves, in our social structure. We need to recognize human nature for what it is. It is good. It is all the conditioning and the mind control factors that go into poisoning a person through information that they take in over the course of their lives that makes them do things that they do, the harmful things that they do. It isn't that it’s human nature. We need to really be focused on working toward true freedom if our worldview is a positive one. If we really understand what we are here to do, and what a positive worldview is really seeking to create, to accomplish; when we take this worldview, this positive, connected worldview; this unified, non-dual worldview, these are the states that emerge... higher levels of consciousness and awareness, dominion within the self, understanding of our motivations, our desires. What emerges are states of peace, harmony, justice, truth, freedom, order. They can only be created with a positive worldview.

The opposite worldview is a negative or a darker worldview, a poisoned worldview as I call it. It is the worldview that sees that little drop of water has completely cut off and separated from the whole, ‘this is one big, huge mass of consciousness but I'm completely separate from it and I have no relationship to that whole; I'm just a number; I'm one of the faces of a man in the mass of faces and I can't really affect any change just a number I'm powerless; my nature is fundamentally flawed. When you accept this worldview, your life will become a reflection of that worldview. Your consciousness will slowly begin to shut down until you are in a state that resembles sleep or hypnosis, and you will have all kinds of susceptibility to techniques of mind control. When we accept this negative worldview, we want to lash out against everyone else, we cut ourselves off, we separate ourselves from everybody else. We live in a state of internal confusion because our consciousness is shut down. And then we want control. We want to feel better about ourselves by taking external control over someone else, and all that is doing is ignoring the basic problem that a controller does not know oneself. They do not understand the modalities of consciousness that are dwelling within them, and because they are in that state of internal confusion, they seek for external control over others. You are only going to create chaos, suffering, disorder, disharmony, and ultimately enslavement by looking at the world in that way. These are the states that a negative worldview brings into manifestation. A being that is shut down in fear, totally oppressed or looking to oppress others like a sorcerer, or a big brother-type. That is WORLDVIEW.

The next concept I am going to introduce is MAGIC VERSUS SORCERY. These are very real forces. These are very real energies that are being used all around us at all times in the world, and they are very real, but they are quite different from the Hollywood interpretation or definition of a magician or sorcerer; casting lightning bolts from his fingertips, but he is using forces at work in the world to create what he wishes to create.

This is what magic actually is in the real world. Magic is a science. It is a science and the art of influencing change to occur in accordance with the ‘Will’. That is a very important term there at the end. Will with a capital W. Whole books, whole volumes have pretty much been written about what that means and this does not mean the practitioners egoic will, my will, my desire, what I want to see happen, what I want to see done. This is the will of the energy of Creation. It is the will of love. It is the will of that polar force that wants to create order. The divine intelligence inherent in creation, the energy of creation.

You can call that whatever you want. I have no problem calling that God. I have no problem calling that the Divine; this is the Divine Will. You can think of it however you wish to think of it. Magic is the science and art of influencing change in accordance with the Will, capital W. The Divine Will; Let Thy Will be done, not my egoic will. Magic’s goal is the state of non-dualism. We talked about this before. This is the state of Dominion. The state of not being able to be torn apart internally. This is the state of As you think; so you feel; and so you act. You are non-dual. You are one-within. Your three aspects of your consciousness are one and cannot be torn apart. As you think; so you feel; so you act. That is magic’s goal. A true magician is trying to bring the state of non-dualism into being not only within himself but with anyone else that he may have the ability to influence and inspire, and the magician's process to create the state of non-dualism is known as Alchemy.

Alchemy is not this medieval concept of turning actual metals, base metals into gold. This is an allegory, a symbolic allegory of helping to raise base consciousness into divine consciousness, non-dual consciousness. A harmony with the resonant energy of love, of order, of a unified brain, the unified male female energies. That is what an alchemist is trying to do, he is attempting to inspire others and be an influence for them to raise their consciousness up to a higher level. That is what the process of alchemy is and that is a magician's vehicle for doing his work to accomplish non-dualism.

The opposite of magic is sorcery. The definition is almost identical. Sorcery is ‘the science and art of influencing change to occur in accordance with the will’, and you will notice that the will is no longer capitalized. Lowercase w. This form of will is not the capital W will. It is not the Divine energy, it is not the Divine aspect of creation, the Divine Will. This is the sorcerer’s own egoic desires, ‘what I want, what I want to accomplish from my ends, let not Thy will be done, let MY will be done’.

Sorcery also has a goal. What it is trying to create and bring into the world is the state of ‘Opposition’. Opposition is the state when polar forces are at war with each other and there is struggle, there is conflict, there is suffering, there is chaos. Moreover it means that a sorcerer wishes to create an opposition within an individual. This is the opposition that takes place within us. We are not unified in the way we think, and feel, and act. We may think a certain way or feel a certain way about something and yet we do something that's in opposition to that so we're torn apart from within. Three aspects of our consciousness are not unified as one, they are torn apart. In that aspect the person is an internal opposition where they are crucified within themselves. The actual methodologies that are used to accomplish this state of opposition both within an individual and in the external world are the Sorcerer's tools of illusion and manipulation. It is getting people to believe in something that simply is not real and it does not serve their interest in the world, does not serve who we are and how we are really meant to live, and it creates disharmony and strife, and suffering in the world. They want to try to get people to believe that way because it may benefit them even though it does not benefit the whole. It may benefit them so that they profit and they come out on top and everyone else suffers. That is what a sorcerer is really trying to do. They use illusion and manipulation, playing people off against each other, manipulating them, getting them to see things the way that they want them to see, getting them to believe in things that aren't real nor serve them, and yet the people develop an attachment to it, and that is what creates all suffering. That is what magic and sorcery is about as they are used in the real world.

The next concept in consciousness that we have to understand is... What keeps us as a species in a state of general unconsciousness? What are the barriers to our self-realization? Look at the word ‘realization’: to use one's real eyes; to realize something. When we realize it, we are making it real. Real-izing it. It is bringing something into manifestation. What are our barriers to realizing the true self, the true essence of who we are, the barriers to the realization of the true self? Not the egoic self but the real essence of who we are. Here are the four main barriers to the realization of the true self:

  • The Five Sense Illusion
  • Ego Identification
  • The Prison of the Left Brain
  • Institutionalized Belief Systems

The Five Sense Illusion is the first barrier to the realization of the true self. This is the idea that only what we are able to perceive with our sensory organs is real and anything that lies outside of that sense perception cannot exist. The first image is the visible bandwidth of light energy that we are able to see a decode as color in the human eye. You see this as all of the visible colors of light that the human eye can perceive. There is an infinity in the spectrum to the left and the right of frequencies that the human eye cannot decode as color, yet they exist.

Sound is another example. Take a dog whistle as an example. You blow a dog whistle, your ear does not hear the sound, yet a dog's ear does. That is because your ear is tuned to a different vibratory bandwidth of frequencies than is a dog's ear. Does that mean that no sound is coming out of the whistle that you're blowing? Of course not. The sound vibration does exist. It is traveling through the air, it is actually reaching your ear. Your ear just cannot decode it as sound, that does not mean it doesn't exist. Our identification is with the solidity of matter. Most people do not realize that matter is anything but solid. Matter is almost entirely empty space.

The atom is almost entirely empty space. If you make the nucleus of an atom the size of a baseball, the electrons, what we term the electron shells, would be city blocks away from the nucleus and all in between is empty space, a vacuum. If you took a subatomic particle of an atom and looked at it under enormously high powered magnification, we don't even have the technology to do that, scientists understand that these subatomic particles that comprise all matter are really vibratory energy. They are just a wave of energy vibrating very quickly, like a little rubber band. This is string theory. Think of it like a telephone cord, if you took that cord, or a jump rope, and just kept whipping making it faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster, eventually you can make it look like there was a ball there if you are able to whip it around fast enough. But it is not a solid object. You have a very thin uni-dimensional piece of rope, or strand, or a string, and it is vibrating, and it is taking on the form by the way it's vibrating. Matter is the same way. Matter is not solid. It is simply energy and vibration, and everything is made of this. From the smallest cells, the smallest single celled organisms, to entire galaxies. We are made of this. We are not solid. We are energy taking a form through vibration. We have to understand that if we are going to get past this five sense illusion of only what we see and perceive to our limited sensory organs is real. It simply is not true.

A great experiment that really helps one to understand matter is nott really solid and our consciousness is really what determines the outcome of how we perceive and experience the physical world is The Quantum Physics Double Slit Experiment. Scientists took very small bits of matter, like little bearings, shot them through two slits in a shield placed in front of a wall. They got a pattern on the back wall that looks like two slits from where the matter went through and struck the measuring device on the other side. When scientists do this with electrons; which are part of the subatomic particle of an atom; which is what matter is composed of, they did not get two slits. They got what is called an interference pattern, which is like waves, like when water goes through something and strikes it with intensity, and then it diminishes as it goes out from the center of intensity. This confused the scientists. They shot small bits of matter through these two slits and they got an interference pattern? They thought the particles were interfering with each other because they were shooting them through as a stream of electrons. Then, they took an electron volt meter, and fired one electron at a time at the slit setup but they still got an interference pattern. There was nothing for the single electron to interfere with because they were going through one at a time, but they still got an interference pattern, like waves. This is because at the quantum scale, matter is not solid, it is wave energy, and the electron is leaving that electron volt meter as a wave and passing through that double slit as a wave to strike the wall as a wave. The scientists wanted to determine how many of them were going through one slit, how many of we were bouncing off, how many of them were going through the other slit. They equipped a device in front of one of the slits to measure how many of these individual electrons passed through it. When they put the measuring device in front of one slit, the pattern changed and it behaved like large pieces of matter; macroscopic matter, instead of the tiny subatomic particle of an electron. It stopped behaving like a wave because consciousness has been introduced to the equation, and then it behaved like solid matter. This is called the Observer Effect. Upon being observed before it goes through the slit, it has to make a decision about which slit it is going to go through. It cannot act as a wave because there is consciousness introduced. The determined outcome is called the ‘collapse of the waveform’. The particle that leaves as a wave collapses to a point particle and then goes through one of the slits, or the other, or bounces off the screen. Prior to that, it only exists as a waveform if no consciousness is introduced. This shows us, one: matter is not solid, it is a wave form, a vibratory energy, two: how we view ourselves, the world, the things that are taking place has an effect on the outcome. We are made of these particles. Introducing consciousness into the equation can have the effect of changing the end result. That is the important thing to keep in mind here. Looking at it one way may get you one thing, looking at it a different way may get you something else. The five sense illusion.

The next barrier to self-realization is Ego Identification. Ego should be briefly defined because most people think of ego as “oh I'm just a person who's completely full of myself and I just think that I'm so great, so better than everybody else”. That isn't ego as I'm using it in this idea in this concept. Ego Identification means: a person is identified with roles that they play in life. They don't see themselves as an aspect of consciousness. They see themselves as ‘what I do, what I'm involved in, the role that I play... ‘I am a businessman; I am a soldier; I am an American; I am a father or mother’. You identify with the roles that you play in life. These are simply vehicles, expressions for consciousness to have an experience in the physical world. They are not who we actually are underneath. We are the expression of consciousness having an experience in the physical world. These are roles we play in life. They are not actually who we are but we often tend to get into the trap of identifying with these roles so much, so completely that we define ourselves as these roles, and that's where we get into trouble.

The next barrier to the realization of the true self is the Left Brain Prison. We talked about the hemispheres of the brain and how the left and right brain play very different roles in their functions. We have to understand that shut down modes of consciousness are very frequently caused by left brain imbalance. We will talk about why that is later and what happens to the brain when it becomes imbalanced toward one hemisphere or the other.

What I call, and what many researchers have called the left brain prison, as getting trapped in the functions of the left brain and ignoring the right brain functions of holistic thought and intuition. This is a product of our culture, which stresses reading, writing, math, verbal communication, written language, science, logic, reason, and oftentimes it ignores particularly, in our educational upbringing, holistic thinking, intuition, creativity, art, music. Things like that are often de-emphasized in our educational structures, certainly not emphasized in our scientific establishments.

A picture in this presentation depicts on the left side: The left brain...everyone in business cubicles, all the same color, all looking identical like robots. On the right hand side you see people engaged in creative acts, in holistic behaviors, hanging out with their family, flying kites, reading, doing creative things, art, and it's a good analysis of the dichotomy between the left and right brain hemispheres. The tendency in our cultures to get trapped in that left brain modality because that is the part of the brain that keeps us really rooted to the physical world. It is geared more towards staying in control. This is the aggressive or dominator part of the brain. That is why I refer to the image of Big Brother from 1984 because this is what it ultimately leads to if you stay trapped in that left brain sense of identity. The left brain prison becomes a dominator.

The next barrier to the identification of the true self is Institutionalized Belief Systems. I call them belief systems because that is exactly what they are; they are beliefs that people become attached to. They do them often because it's simply the way they were done previously. If they were introduced suddenly, without any prior knowledge of them, many people would say ‘why would you want to do something that way?’, but because they were handed down to us by other people and say ‘that's how it's done, or that's the way it is, or that's how we do this’, then it is accepted but from our cultural paradigm or our cultural way of seeing the world. It is also interesting to note the word ‘institution’. When we say that we are committed to an ‘institution’, what do we mean by that? Are we favoring the things that a body of people who do a certain thing; what their approach to doing things are, or are we saying “I'm being committed to a mental asylum.” Committed to an institution and committed to an ‘institution’ are the same phrase in our language, and once you think about why that may be, why are they the same phrase, even though they mean two completely different things. Language is a funny thing like that. We will be talking a lot more about words, the meaning of words, the derivations of words, how our language speaks to us in very right-brained ways if we can only break it down and really hear what is being said symbolically. These are some institutions...marriage, the business world, the educational world, the medical community, government, religion, military, police, and power military. These are all institutional belief systems. They are not institutions which are out there to discover truth. They are institutions that are out to tell people how things actually are in ‘their’ worldview, and then get them to go along with it without any actual examination of the facts for themselves, therefore they are belief systems, it works like this, take my word that it works like this, and just do what we say based on belief, not self-discovery, but just belief. Institutional belief systems are one of the biggest barriers to self-realization because they do not take the individual into account. They absorb the individual rather than encourage the unique expression of an individual.

The next section is The True Self versus The False Self, or the lower self. The higher self versus the lower self; that which is the real self versus the self that is engaged in and trapped in illusion. The qualities of the true self are...when we are born in consciousness, these are the self qualities that the individual takes on. The true self exists in a state of Dominion and non duality; as they think, so they feel, so they act, and they cannot be separated from that way of living a life, a way of being in the world. A true self understands and works toward true freedom. They really grasp the concept of freedom, they understand it as the highest expression of love in the world around them and they are working toward higher and higher expressions of freedom. The true self practices alchemy to bring about the true will. The true self is a magician in the truest sense. He is not serving their own egoic role, he is serving the Will of Creation, the Will of the Divine, which wants to bring higher levels of consciousness into manifestation. The true self is concerned with the alleviation of suffering for ALL beings. That is very critical. The true self recognizes that another being suffering is his own suffering, and he or she suffers as long as there is even one other being that suffers, and they realize that because their worldview reflects an understanding that there is no separation between self and others, that separation, that seeming separation, is an illusion. There is only one consciousness here, and there is no separation when you get right down to the deepest levels of consciousness. The true self does not exist in left-brained prisonhood and it does not exist in ego identification. He has made the energies in the seat of consciousness in the physiology of the brain; One: he's united the polarities of the left and right brain of male and female; the ‘chemical wedding’. He is operating from a perspective of whole thought. He is not ego identified. He doesn't consider the ‘role’ that he is playing in the world regardless of what it may be; father, brother, son, teacher, any job that he may do. He does not identify with that as his identity. It is not who he is, it's what he happens to be doing at any given moment; the ‘role’ he is playing. The true self seeks to break down all institutionalized belief systems because he recognizes them as boxes of consciousness keeping people in training into belief systems, believing what they are told instead of really discovering things for themselves. He wants to limit their capabilities and their power as much as possible because he recognizes that institutional belief systems are ultimately an assault upon the freedom of the individual, and they are ultimately an assault upon consciousness when you get right down to it.

The qualities of the false self, the lower self, the base self, exists in a state of confusion and opposition, and not in a state of Dominion. They are in a state of internal strife. They are confused, seeking control, and therefore they are in opposition with themselves; as they think, isn't how they feel and act. They will take an action in complete opposition to how they may really feel deep inside. They are sinning against their emotions. They are sinning against the spirit. This can only happen because consciousness is shut down through fear, and ultimately exists in a vibratory energy state of fear. The true self cannot even envision what true freedom is. You could try to explain the conceptual idea of what freedom is but that will not really grasp it or understand it because they're so their consciousness is so ruled by the vibration of fear that all they are seeking is control to try to alleviate the internal confusion. They do not understand themselves or the world so they just lash out through control to try to externally control events and all they want to do by that modality is bring more chaos and disorder into the world and into themselves ultimately. The true-self often employs sorcery to bring accordance with his own egoic will, his or her own desires. Normal people can act as sorcerers trying to manipulate and influence other people just for their own benefit. He does not have to be a skilled practitioner of mind control or magic. An everyday person can become a sorcerer and they try to bring accordance with their own ego will; the divine Will doesn't matter at all… ‘it's what I want, it's all about what I want’. He's concerned only with oneself and one's own, if that; family, small circle of friends, but ultimately the focus is on ‘my own comfort, my own happiness, my own desires, and if anyone else doesn't affect me in my own immediate surroundings... they can be damned’. True-self has a worldview that reflects a belief that everything exists in a state of separation, even though this is not the case, they believe that, because they are trapped in that left-brain modality; that left brain prison. The true self lives life in a state of left brain ego identification; totally identified with the roles they play and attached to their belief systems. Totally attached to what they perceive. Does not matter what the truth is...‘I'm going to think what I want about it’. It's where this moral-relativist stance comes in. ‘Doesn't matter if there's a truth out there, I can determine the truth for myself, whatever I want it to be. I'm the arbiter of truth’. He is in such a state of left brain prisonhood that he is completely ego identified… ‘the role I play is all that there is and that is who I am’. The false self accepts and reinforces most institutionalized belief systems. Not only do they accept the belief system, they enforce it themselves. They want to propagate it because they are benefiting in the physical sense, in the worldly sense, from that institution being in operation and they want to continue that. That is the qualities of the false self; the egoic or lower self.

What we have talked about all through part one so far is the nature of good and evil. The nature of what we experience in the world within ourselves as good and what we experience within ourselves and in the world as evil and ultimately it's broken down to simply this way. Love is that which creates everything that is good in the world, and fear is that which alternately creates everything that is evil in the world and these are emotional polarities. These are the forces that either awaken consciousness and make it flower, or they shut consciousness down and put it into a box. These are the things that they bring into manifestation. Love brings Dominion within. It brings freedom without. It is accomplished through magic to bring about the true Will through Alchemy to create non-dualism. Fear is bringing evil forward through creating internal confusion, which then results in the external desire for control. It works through the process of sorcery, manipulation, and serving the egoic will to create illusion in others and ultimately opposition within the self and others.

Love is sending us in the correct direction. The emotional compass is set properly when we're in the vibratory energy of love and higher consciousness. Its goal is oneness. To bring about the true self. To open our minds and hearts up to higher and higher levels of awareness and consciousness. To help us to understand that we are but one thin slice of a multi-dimensional world of infinite consciousness taking place all around us. It is trying to bring about a balanced brain, a perfectly balanced brain, between the male and the female, the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, because that is what will create order in the world. All of these concepts will bring about good and order. The opposite side, evil, which works through fear, will create misdirection. Fear will always create misdirection, will always throw the emotional compass off target, sending us in the wrong direction because it is working to try to separate people. When you put people into fear you are separating them and you are getting them to see everything as separate, and themselves as separate from everything else. This is identification with the lower self. This is base consciousness.This is consciousness put in a box and in a trap. It is ego identification. Total identification with the physical worldly roles that we play, trapped in the five sense world… ‘if my senses can't perceive it, it doesn't exist’, even though they are open to very limited bandwidths and frequencies. This is accomplished by keeping people in the left brain prisonhood.

We will talk about how these different modalities actually bear/birth into the world. Then we will talk about how the brain can become imbalanced and how the brain is a very significant factor when it comes to how these forces work in the world.

When our thoughts are in balance and in harmony, they are in the vibration of love. This is the essence of consciousness. This is the force that helps consciousness expand and it ultimately is derived from how we think. When we are in that vibration, our emotions are acting as one and they are helping us to create the unified consciousness of Dominion. As we think, we feel, we act, and we cannot be torn apart. When we do that, then our actions are also in harmony and we are working toward true freedom. It happens from our thoughts in a vibration of love, internally our emotions are in harmony and in check, and we are not ruled by them either. We own them. We are in Dominion. We know what is going on within. Then, we put that into practice in the outside world to create freedom, which is the highest expression of love in the world. The pyramid of love is built upon Dominion within and freedom without. There is no other way to get to that state. There's no other way to create good in the world. Order and peace will come from these polarities being in operation within the self and in the outside world. You are not going to create it any other way. It simply is how the organizing principles of the world work. These are the energies we are working with and this is how they work.

The opposite of this effect is if our thoughts are in complete disharmony and they are ruled by fear, we are in the fear vibration with how we think. Our emotions are going to be completely out of order, often they are going to rule us instead of us using them for our benefit, and we aee going to be in a complete state of confusion within, and then our actions are going to be geared toward trying to take external control over others, and the only thing this is ever going to create in the world is chaos and evil. That is all you can create with those polarities. Trying to say that you're going to create good and order in the world through control is like saying I'm going to take my wet laundry that I just washed and I'm going to dry it by pouring more and more water on top of it. You will never dry them like that, it's an impossibility. You are adding the opposite polarity than what you want. That is where people in fear-based consciousness, in internal confusion that do not really understand the self, that have not made a study of their psychological and emotional makeup, are going to. They are going to create nothing but chaos in the world through trying to control things externally instead of understanding what's really going on inside of us. That is how that pyramid works.

We talked about consciousness and how it is correlated to the brain. The Yin and Yang energies, the left and right hemisphere of the neocortex, the human brain. What I want to talk about now is what happens when one of these hemispheres is completely dominant over the other. How does the whole brain begin to function when that happens? The whole human brain is like the executive controller, the command center of the whole 3 sub brain complexes. You have the neocortex up at the top of the head, the neo/new cortex, you have a limbic brain in the middle; the midbrain, the mammal brain. At the base of the brain you have the brainstem and the cerebellum, which is called the R-Complex, the reptile brain.

The neocortex, the top brain, is like the CEO of the company, the person that makes the executive decisions of the company. If that part of the brain gets sick or if it is not working properly, then the command functions of the whole brain complex, the three parts of the brain, have to be shunted to one of the other two brain complexes, the executive functions are either going to go to the limbic brain; the midbrain, the mammal brain, or they are going to go to the lower brain, the R-Complex.

Here is how this imbalance works. If the three complexes of the brain, the neocortex, the limbic brain, and the r-complex or the reptile brain, become extremely imbalanced to the left brain hemisphere, and this how most people become imbalanced, there is a percentage that become very right brained imbalanced, but there is more of a tendency to become left brain imbalanced because of how our educational system is here in the Western Hemisphere. The left brain becomes dominant and the whole neocortex starts to function improperly and the limbic brain starts to shut down. Our emotions are more cultivated through a holistic cohesiveness of both brain hemispheres, particularly when we start to get in touch with our right brain hemisphere. When you are only in the left, there is very little emotional or intuitive makeup within the person. Their limbic system actually begins to shut down. Their whole neocortex does not function properly because of that imbalance, so the part of the brain that takes over is the reptile brain, the r-complex. The person begins behaving in reptile-like waves; controlling, dominating, hoarding, greed, external control over others. We see this everywhere in our culture because these people's brains are in such a state of imbalance. Chemically they are not operating properly. The limbic brain has stopped functioning. The person is essentially cut off from their emotional guidance system of how they feel about what they do to others, and they become like a reptile because they are being ruled by the reptile brain. They become cold blooded and they don't care about what they are doing to anyone else, ‘it's all about me and it doesn't make a difference who I have to step on’, that is what a person is thinking who is ruled by the reptile brain, ‘it does not matter if it's right or wrong, it doesn't matter, it's only about how it relates to me’.

The opposite of this is if the right brain becomes imbalanced, which is more of a rarity but it does happen, the neocortex shuts down, not completely, but it is not functioning in the way it is intended as the executive functions of the brain. In this case, the person loses a lot of connection with the R-complex of the brain so they don't care about anything going on in the physical world; ‘It doesn't matter if I'm living in a state of physical disarray, doesn't matter if I have none of the basic necessities for survival, it doesn't matter if I'm being controlled externally from other people and my rights are being taken away, or I'm being physically abused’.

In that case, the mammalian brain, the limbic brain, has gone haywire and this person is being ruled by their emotional brain. They do not have enough of the male tendencies because the feminine part of the brain has overtaken their consciousness. The limbic system becomes the executive controller of the brain, and they lose all connection with survival instincts and anything having to do with living in the physical world. Someone who is extremely imbalanced, in religion or the New Age movement perhaps, excessively meditating, this could be a way that the brain is imbalanced to the right hemisphere, and then the person becomes ruled by the limbic brain, the mammalian brain. Ultimately that is what is really going on... we have people's brains being imbalanced and being put into a state of extreme unhealthiness through imbalance toward one brain hemisphere or the other. When we get imbalanced in the left brain, we become ruled by the R-complex and become dominators, masters. When we are ruled by the right brain, then we lose all connection with physical survival and do not care what happens to us anymore, we become ruled by our emotions, and we become like slaves. This is why this brain imbalance is really occurring. There is a force out there that wants to create a world of masters and slaves, ultimately. There are some people who are so left-brained imbalanced they become dominating controllers, and some become so right-brained imbalance that they are willing to capitulate to any form of control that is thrust upon them, and ultimately there is a little of both kinds of imbalance in most people, and they become like a master and a slave simultaneously. They want to rule over whoever they can below them, and then they will take orders from whoever is above them in this hierarchy of control.

An actual photo of two different brain scans taken from a science journal of what one brain looks like when it becomes heavily imbalanced shows dark areas of electrochemical deadness that look like holes. There is no neural firing in the black parts of the brain, the real dark areas.

The other person's brain that is labeled normal is in what is called ‘global EEG coherence/ global brain coherence’. The electrochemical activity is distributed equally about both hemispheres of the neocortex.

(Here @ 1:47:00 in the presentation, Mark is displaying hand directions relating to the photo of an EEG scan of two brains.) You are looking at the neocortex from underneath this being the top of the brain here, this is the front of the head, that is the back of the head. That would make this the left brain hemisphere and this the right brain hemisphere, if you could visualize that. Picture it as if you are taking the brain and lifting it up like this, here's my left side of my brain I'm lifting it up like this, you are seeing it from underneath, that's the left brain hemisphere, that's the right brain hemisphere. I’m sorry it's backwards, this is the left brain hemisphere on that side, and that's the right. If you tilted this down this way that would be the front of the head.)

The darkened brain is labeled violent. I will tell you about the types of individuals that were scanned for these two images. The brighter brain person on the left was not given a standard, Western educational upbringing, did not watch a lot of television, did not eat a Western diet, meditated a small amount on a daily basis, and they have global EEG coherence. The darkened brain person on the right was brought up in a Western education system, they watched many hours of television, did not do a lot of reading, never meditated, ate a very Western fast-food type diet, and that is what their brain ended up looking like. You can see the real damaged part, the real electrically dead part of the brain is right there on the right hemisphere. They became like a controller and are labeled violent. This person had violent tendencies and had problems with behavioral issues. I am not sure if it ended up in problems with law, but that is what a left brain imbalance neocortex ends up looking like. That person became very heavily left-brain imbalanced, you could see all the areas of electrochemical deadness of the brain. That is what brain imbalance does to the brain physiology. It is measurable. It is provable. This is a type of scan that shows this type of imbalance and this is called a P.E.T. scan. There are other even more advanced scans called SPECT scans that you can look into to show the neocortex and how brain imbalance begins to affect the electrochemical properties of the brain.

What we are really going to look at in part two is how this imbalance is at work in the world and how it ultimately creates all the problems that we see in manifestation, in the outside world, and what we are seeing is that consciousness is ultimately being torn apart in most people by the imbalance to the male energy, and it is the suppression of emotions; the Sacred Feminine, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of consciousness, our emotions that is driving this. Our emotions are being so numbed and kept down, ignored, and ultimately killed. The Sacred Feminine is being killed in our world and that is our emotional aspect of consciousness, and when that happens the Yang energy begins to dominate because we are out of touch with the feminine aspect of ourselves, the intuitive, compassionate side of who we are. We are being ruled by this Yang energy, the male Dominator principle of energy, when in fact we need to unite these and help them to come into equilibrium and exist harmoniously in all individuals. That's the ultimate goal. There is a painting by the artist Alex Gray; a great spiritual artist. This is my favorite painting by him called ‘Gaia’. He brilliantly depicts what happens when we lose touch with the right brain side of ourselves. If you imagine yourself as the world tree, that he's painting in this image. This would be the right brain, that would be the left brain, you are facing this way (front facing). He shows the total imbalance to the left brain: the world is on fire, there is pollution, smog in the sky, there are rivers of blood, the tree is completely sick, and it's just utter chaos. But if we get in touch with our right brain hemisphere and we unite the brain hemispheres, then we can build a world like this: of peace, nature and harmony, blue skies, Sun ruling the sky. It is just a great depiction of what going into certain modalities of consciousness through the left and right brain can bring into manifestation in the world, and that is why I think it is a great painting by a great artist, and it is a great place to end part one.

In part two we will look at what happens when this type of brain imbalance comes into fruition in our world, and that is exactly what has happened. We will talk about the forces that are driving that imbalance, that left brain imbalance, and ultimately holding the consciousness of this planet where it currently is, because they benefit from it being held there. We will talk about what those forces are, and we will talk about how they operate to accomplish this imbalance. That is the end of part one, be back for part two. Thank you.